The Public Solicitor’s Office (P.S.O.) is an independent public office established under the Constitution of the Solomon Islands to provide legal aid, advice and assistance to persons in need.

The PSO's Civil Unit covers the areas of law that pertains to employment and workers' compensation, personal injury, money claims and defamation and letters of administration, where legal representation is provided in the Magistrate's Courts, High Court, Court of Appeal and Trade Dispute Panel.
The Land Advisory and Legal Support Unit (LALSU) provides advice, education and legal representation to people who need assistance with logging or mining matters and customary land matters. This assistance can include advice on environmental and customary land issues, education and legal representation.
The PSO's Criminal Unit provides legal representation and advice in serious matters in the Magistrates' Courts, High Court and Court of Appeal. PSO lawyers are available on request when a person is taken into custody or charged with an offence. Alternatively, a family member may contact the PSO to ask for representation for a person in custody, or the person charged can attend a legal clinic held once a week.
If you have a disability, or if you are the primary caretaker of someone who has a disability, the PSO has created a legal clinic designed to meet your needs. Legal clinics are held every two weeks on Thursdays at the People With Disabilities Solomon Islands (PWDSI) facility. If you cannot visit the legal clinic, dedicated staff from PWDSI will be available to take your call and connect you to the right person or office within PSO to deal with your issue(s) by calling the toll-free number 197.
The PSO's Family Protection Unit assists clients with family matters including divorce, adoption, protection orders, maintenance and custody matters where legal representation is provided in the Magistrates Courts, High Court of Appeal.
The National Parliament of Solomon Islands enacted the Family Protection Act 2014 to protect families from domestic violence and promote safety and well-being for victims of domestic violence. To ensure this issue is addressed through a coordinated legal and social responsibility, the PSO also works closely with other justice actors, such as the police, the courts, and civil society organizations such as Seif Pleis and the Christian Care Centre.
The Public Solicitor’s Office (P.S.O.) is an independent public office established under the Constitution of the Solomon Islands to provide legal aid, advice and assistance to persons in need.